Hi poly model I've been working on the past few weeks in my spare time. I think around 30-40 hours total so far. Is that a reasonable amount of time, or considered way too much in the industry? It's my first gun model, so I will hopefully be quicker next time around.
Feedback and comments are encouraged.
There are some floaters that will look weird from these perspectives.

Based on this concept:

Low poly and baking next, followed by texturing with dDo and Substance Painter (possibly).
your edges are way too sharp, i can barely see them on the highpoly, your low will look like you didnt bake if you dont soften them up a bunch
One odd question, why are you using an inverted color picture for reference?
Besides the edges, I think you did a pretty good job.
Always set a quality bar for yourself. First person weapon? Third person weapon? Environment prop? Etc.
Tricounts now vary wildly with this new generation. First person weapons will probably go from around 3,000 tris for a simple pistol all the way up to and beyond 50,000 for complex weapons.
Do you think they're soft enough now?
Compare this to other guns or more real world guns, there's maybe 50% of the general forms that are flat when viewed from the side, but the rest is large slopes, curves, and angled.
The 3d model just looks like it was designed from a side perspective and no thought was given to depth or the 3d view.
In Marmoset, when I disable AO, it's not as bad, but there's still something wrong here:
The tubular piece directly below it seems to be inside out or something as well.
Could this be a problem with the UV unwrap?
Also, I can't get the screw threads to bake properly. Any tips on that?
Hi Poly
Some overall shots from Marmoset, as well as the normal map baked in xNormal. Any tips or advice would be appreciated:
The shaded part is happening because of your bake errors. The objects that are very prismatic need to be examined and rebaked to get them to look right. Look on your normal map to see the AO error, it is orange in color and should be like the rest of the map.
The error for the threads is that the normals are getting 'pulled' towards the verts, insert a loop in that cylinder to help.
I'm not mirroring anything as far as I know. Is there some way to show inverted UV faces in max?
As for the circular piece, I ended up just deleting it and reusing the geometry from the adjacent one in the low poly. That still hasn't fixed the problem. Could it possibly be an issue with the highpoly? I also pointed out a few other problems with my normals in the bottom image.
Sorry this went from a pimping thread to a help thread.
Next question is this is a 4k normal map and the mesh is 12.5k polys. Would this be acceptable in a modern day PS4 game, for example?
As for your bake errors. I would assume that you used 'mirror' inside of 3dsmax? If you do that you have to reset the xforms of the mirrored object or it's normals will be flipped and can cause odd errors like this.
If I have this all the way down to 12k polys, maybe I will add some more geo back in to some of the round shapes.
Thanks for all the advice so far guys!
Keep on trucking!
Anyway, working on the textures next. There's so many parts to this thing, I kinda wish I went with a simpler model to start with.
From what I can see, it seems like the model lacks some geo.
Embrace the next gen! normal maps can only go so far.
Gold is sometimes used as a thin coating to protect against corrosion, so it could make sense, but I think it contrasts against the rest of the gun, which looks kind of cheap (by design) and as you said low-tech, a bit too much.
So in other words I think you should try to make the wires a bit more reddish/brown hue to resemble copper better as that makes more sense in my mind than the golden material you've got right.
Also, any tips on creating decent glass for the scope?
I made a sci fi weapon recently and mirrored most of it. I realized some of my baking errors were because I forgot to check the "ignore mirrored UVs" option before baking (they came out Orange in the normal map).
Other errors I fixed by making the edges of my UV shells "hard edges" and leaving the rest smooth. (with the exception of cylinders which you want smooth all around the bend). There was a script for that in one of those threads that were just posted about normal maps which automated this.
I forgot to say, I think copper is more pinkish