Hey guys,
just upgraded to Max2015, wireframe(with shade/texture) in viewport looks thick and horrible to work with. I cannot find any options to change how wireframe looks (besides color). ie: I cannot make them thinner or less visible. Anyone know how?
please view atrocious screengrab below.

Windows 8 64bit
3ds Max 2015
ASUS laptop G75VW
GeForce GTX 660M
I forgot to add that I did try different drivers but I can only use Nitrous 11, the other options (Open gl, direct, et al) have even worse results than "thick wireframes." I guess it's just another "Maxism" I must learn to work with.
- Richi
This is most probably not a Max thing thing though
The only thing in Max 2015 that may cause this is the new Antiliasing quality setting in the Viewport configruation->Display Performance tab
Other than that it more looks like a display driver/ GPU capability issue
Or maybe you tweaked the global/application specific AA settings in the Nvidia control panel ?