1. How to save default settings for modifiers so whne you apply you dont have to change every option again.
2. Is there a way to put Unwrapp window into viewport slot?
just like track view.
3. anyone knows the hotkey for this
Ive searched futile.
1. Best way to do this is to add the modifiers via Maxscript. So in the end you have a toolbar with buttons that add modifiers with specified settings.
2. Nope, not that I know of.
3. The left one is in Group: "Unwrap UVW" and is called "Geom Element" or "Geom Element Select Mode" ( both work)
The right one is in Group "Unwrap UVW" and is called "TV Element Mode"
2. Nope, not that I know of.
3. The left one is in Group: "Unwrap UVW" and is called "Geom Element" or "Geom Element Select Mode" ( both work)
The right one is in Group "Unwrap UVW" and is called "TV Element Mode"
Btw there is a tool called ui mod
it does exactly what i need - saves current modifiers on object as preset.
it has neat ui, very handy.
Thanks for unwrapp shortcuts