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Skateboard PBR Practice

polycounter lvl 4
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Semeru polycounter lvl 4
Hey, gonna be posting in-progress shots of a next-gen skateboard I'm working on to try out PBR for the first time. The model is 13,000~ tris and at the moment I'm working on getting the normals nailed so that I can then put it into Quixel (so I wanna make sure I have perfect normals, object normals and AO bake before I start on the rest of the texturing).
Currently adding smaller normal details to the trucks and stuff in nDo and I'm going to re-unwrap the deck as the textures on the scratched and worn edges look like crap at the moment, so I'll need to re-bake that. I also need to tidy up normals on the trucks, get rid of all the pinching going on.



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