Is your glossmap in linear or srbg colorspace? Did you set your display and import settings for marmoset and unreal to equal values? Toolbag 2 for example has a checkbox for each map typ which specifies if its srbg or linear space.
I guess in the old UDK there was a import option with a srgb on/off checkbox, so maybe theres a equal option in Unreal4.
Inverting should do it - one is the inverse of the other.
But it really depends on what powers the engine multiplies values by - the upper and lower limits of the range and any boosting that happens. You could plug the same gloss map into multiple engines and get completely different visual results.
Turn off sRGB for your Gloss texture, plug a lerp node with the A value of 1 and a B value of 0 and use your Gloss as your alpha. Bonus of this is that you have more control over the value range inside of Unreal, so if you need to cap your Roughness value you can do so by changing 0 to .1, etc.
I guess in the old UDK there was a import option with a srgb on/off checkbox, so maybe theres a equal option in Unreal4.
But it really depends on what powers the engine multiplies values by - the upper and lower limits of the range and any boosting that happens. You could plug the same gloss map into multiple engines and get completely different visual results.
skip to 12:35 to see the difference, this is something we're working on here at Marmoset and hope to have it out soon.