1. Try to leave at least one critique per post. It makes you a better artist if you have the ability to give constructive critiques. Just because you're working on a different concept piece, doesn't mean you can't give feedback to others.
2. Challenge yourself.
3. Your final presentation should be posed and rendered in real-time.
4. Try your best to finish on time.
5. Post your work-in-progress in this thread.
6. Specify your own triangle count and texture size. Be reasonable and stick to your budget. Some suggestions are as follows:
Mobile: 2k Triangles, 512 Maps
Mid Res: 16k Triangles, 1024 Maps
High Res: 32k Triangles, 2048 Maps
7. Similar to
#6, you may pick an art-style yourself. You are, after all, an artist too. | Realistic, Stylized, Cartoony, etc |
8. Learn as much as you can. Share what you've learned.
The Mech looks like fun too though
Might just have the time to make something
Dont know what ill do yet! but i want to see how many people do the concept by fightpunch since its been a favourite choice for a long time. Its a cool concept albeit one that is quite difficult to really get down and model.
I could imagine being able to model the middle one in Maya with relative ease, though the challenge might come in the texturing and mapping (since I lack the skill to texture and map, in which case I might ask for help, but for the most part will attempt to make them solo).
Either way, I'm hyped up about this!
I started the model and these are my thoughts so far, hope it helps someone.
I would agree that those would be wheels I think, or some form of gears that would allow him to rotate the upper/lower half of his body.
the dude-8 concept seems like a tough challenge for me . but u never know before u try i guess
id rather go through max ya know
A few hours in. Want to finish it by tomorow
Wheels can jam where little ball thingies rule! This is a concentric model put a vertical stacked one will work too I think.
PS: I thing that 3 concepts as different in style and complexity is too much for a single month. I 'm not sure , but I think that we aren't enough yet and even if we were, it's not as useful as focusing on a single theme.
starting off here ..
i really dont understand how the 4 arms work ... but it seems like 1 is behind the other in the concept ... not on top of each other as most quad arms concepts usally are ...
so i took the liberty of giving him something extra on the back ( a jet pack ) where his other 2 arms are coming from it ... i think i can get away with that since he's a cyborg .. like the jet pack is a part of his body .... also i dont want to give it straps ... so not sure if its a good idea like this ... it kinda means his jacket has a hole in the back or something
I start off with a rough base model. @butt_sahib: I love ZSpheres
Looking at the concept it seems like the sword arms are totally seperate and that the "shoulder" of those arms starts a little below the pockets, based on their angle they seem a little slanted compared to normal arms so I doubt they have a super sturdy base of attachment. It's not in my blockout yet but I'll try to find a way to connect them with straps and stuff to the mechanical harness on his shoulder.
Would make a lot more sense than just pluging a second pair of arms on the back of the character.
butt_sahib: haha, what a wierd way start, runed out great though
AA3D: Love what your doing! love the cloth work, is that MD?
Marko Richter: Great start, kind of feel she is missing a neck though, like her head is coming out directly for the torso.
So I started to work on the blockout of the mech, not really satisfied with the proprtions yet, and I think i need to redo some parts, but here is a pic of what I have so far:
Here's a WIP...
Will be in hangout after I come back.
I'm finding the proportions especially tricky to get right. This is where I'm at so far.
@PyrZern: Nice work so far. Though it feels like maybe his legs are little on the short side?
Did some work while in the hangout, block out kind of done:
I haven't done hard poly in awhile, so figuring out how to do the head and the metal along the arms for some reason was kicking my butt. Any tips would be appreciated :P
It might have been because I had a huge desire to have a lot of things attached together, things went faster when I stopped attempting that.
Maybe its a limitation of blender, because I felt like I SHOULD be able to do some of the things I was trying, but It just didn't want to work how I expected.
Woah, awesome jobs guys.
I will be joining this one for sure, but have to wait for my laptop to get repaired.
<<-- Guilty as well
@Abidus I think so too. I lengthened his legs just a tad now. Great blockout there ! I think she looks a bit like a cat, when she should look a bit like a fox ?
@lotet Keyshot ? Looks very nice. Digging his giant hands ^^
@Mr.Moose Know nothing of Blender, sry <_<
Anyway, I took some liberty and made the guy a little slimmer. His shoulders still a bit too wide though.
Your model looks superb man. Great start. The concept is really vague so you can do whatever you want with it
Marko:haha i hate zspheres! i cant be the only one
Great start. Can really see the volume
Itholon:Thank you ^_^ i did use max (the image on the left was a screenie from max)
Worked on the ear more
Lotet:Haha thank you good sir! I find it much more comfortable to do this in max than zbrush. Zbrush is scary for me in this respect
Absolutely lovve your model man. Everything is spot on and the proportions look great! I do think that the pelvic segment should be abit more flat on the front. Love it!
You should SDK it later :P hehe
Pyrzern:Looks great man! Although i think the jacket/overall should be alot longer. Also why do you have a human head there instead of the helmet?
Wolver:Looks amazing!
Yeah man alot of alphas
Abidus:Looks pretty good man
The proportions looks good i think. The character is about 4 heads tall and i think if you lined your model up (1.head 2.torso 3.thighs 4.legs) it might look abit better. Keep going!
So finished the high and did a polypaint pass inspired by wolver
will be using the high for just the AO. Time for low res action!
Haz matcap btw
@butt_sahib The ears are much better, but the eyes should be closer to her mouth, It ill look cuter. Also I think the head could be a bit bigger.
Here is my WIP:
lotet: thanks for the neck hint. Sometimes you can´t see the obvious
Itholon: I sense some mesh fusion there, right? I can imagine this is perfect for this job.
Here's my WIP for today...
This is where I'm at today. Still experimenting with insert meshes + dynamesh for the fur.
Did a quick polypaint, in the spirit of butt_sahib and wolver :poly122:
I started with blogging out the basic forms toay... I was trying to nail the propotions. Or at least come somewhat close to nailing them, haha.
All that character modelling stuff is really new to me, so I have to figure out a good way to do the cloth.
Will go on and get some more sublevels going and go for some details next. In general I plan to go for something Dota 2 like.
I hope that I'll be able to finish this.
Critic is welcome
I Choose
'Berry Twig' piece