Hi Folkz!
At the moment im baking my MP5 and for the Color IDs i used the ink n paint material.
But when Baking it comes out so:

The Black Areas which looks like errors bake fine, but its confusing to watch and correct the red painted (RayMiss Check) parts when it looks so...
In school i had the same problem with the ink n paint material.
Now im to lazy to set another material to every part of the weapon, and this on the lp and the hp.... -.-"
Is it possible to fix this?
I'm not familiar with "ink n' paint" so I can't be much use there. All I can say is: Don't bake with mental ray and use a cage. Not sure if that will fix any of your issues.
To get a color mask rendered out I would use Tex tools.
It assigns a unique color to every element of mesh selected to render, if memory serves, and uses scanline to render out a flat color mask. The map is called "Block out" in the tex tools dialog. You should be able to run it on your LP and be good to go.
Its the Bake Window from 3DStudioMax.
I use Color IDs or Material IDs to Bake my NormalMap.
Its like an exploded Bake. (The difference between Material IDs and an Exploded bake is the correct AO Bake when baking AO)
Im using TexTools for my ColorID for dDo.
You mean the Blockoutmap, right?
I dont mean this, but anyway thank you very much.
The technique you can find in the 3DMotive Baking Normal Maps Tips&Tricks Tutorial, Chapter 10.
But i think that this choice was bad ^^
I didnt know that the ink n paint is for comic´ish usage.
Anyway, its a bug, isnt it?