EDIT 20/07/2014 - Gotta get back to my job, so I'll have to leave this guy for a bit. About 11k tris with a single UV map. 2048 Albedo, Spec, Gloss, Height and Normal.

Haven't posted here in a while for critique. Thought it might as well be now, when I'm on my break.
Noted, he's too gaunt right now. Only picked up on that when I rendered. Aside from that, I wouldn't mind some critique. He's not really all that Ron Livingston-y
right now.
Also face and ear distance seems a tad far.
Help me out, please!

I think once you sort the facial fat out, it will start looking more like him.
Good luck with this project man.
Skyline - Yeah, I think I got a bit closer with my more recent update. Definitely a very defining feature of Livingston's character.
Speaking of, I'm going to leave this for now and move onto the helmet. Feel free to critique the face regardless. It ain't perfect.
I'll go through and re-align some features.
Edit: messed around with it some more.
the eyes are really way too huge
the ears look really flat, you should check ear anatomy ad how they are connected to the head. especially the back if the, if you undersand that it will look better in front as well.
in general ou have a lot to learn about facial structure, get a mirror and touch every part while you look at it. sounds strange but it will really help ypu. you are your best reference
So I'll jot some notes here which I can then add to later:
- Sink brow closer to eyes
- Bring eyes down slightly
- Work on ears
- Shrink eyes
I'm impartial on shrinking the eyes and just making this guy a bit stylized. Partly out of laziness, but mostly because I'm afraid of monumentally fucking this up. I've tried a few different times, but I just can't seem to get the eyes small and retain that (minimal) amount of Livingston present in the sculpt. Smaller eyes is something I want, however. Makes the work look a lot better.
Ace work on the helmet. Although it looks to me the amount of strings over the helmet is way lower than in your reference images
Much appreciated. I sorta toned down the amount of webbing to save time, plus I feel it looks less cluttered.
Keep it up!
Quick update, too. Sorta crossing into "chiseled supermodel" territory. Really got to look at adding some noticeable fat around the jawline, I think. In time! Jacket/scarf creation begins tomorrow.
- nose too flared
- not enough fat
Long way ahead. I'll just keep picking at this model, seeing what I can do.
Why is your arm cloth so triangulated? is it decimated/out of MD?
Thanks! And yeah. The mesh itself was out of MD, but I was unhappy with the folds so I smoothed it and began reworking it. I'll dynamesh it soon enough!
I've seen some crazy stuff come out of Marvelous Designer, but I just can't manage to pull any of it off.
Of course! Great idea. So that's what memoryfolds are. I'll definitely give it a go after the new layout I'm creating.
- Create cuffs out of loose sleeves
- Add more pockets
- Match density of material
- Probably start all over as per usual
Now, I like the pants a lot. I feel like the jacket is a bit bubbly around the chest area, though. I might mess around with it as well as the tightness of the lower jacket, as Abidius said.
Pants have yet to be detailed. Will do that tomorrow.
Any tips for boot/shoe modeling in Maya? I've done it a few times, but for the first time ever, I'll be building it entirely in Maya, using zbrush solely (heh) for detailing.
also this is how i would do the boot
also the belt on his waist has no influence on his shirt whatsoever, it looks pretty floaty
they rather look like scuffs/scratches on plastic,metal or clay
Same goes with the fabric pattern on the cloth, its way tooo big. Makes it look like being made from haversacks.
Will you give him some webbing?
If so, you can keep the back of the jacket like this.
If not, id definately make the back of the jacket (around the belt area), more saggy.
GI´s usually wore fieldjackets over their shirts and those jacket were quite roamy.
eventually it might help you with md.
The jackets were made of some heavy gaberdine twill. It´s pretty thick.
And sorry Neox, didn't see your comment. Indeed, I did bend the arm, but I believe you mentioned it so that I could get more intricate folds, not so that I could have less jerky bends. Regardless, I shall work on those again. Much appreciated.
The stomach area looks alright, if you add the belt and webbing.
You could easily pull that off, but youd have to tighten the waist a pit, as the belt sits tight on the hip, which also creates some nice wrinkles.
without the belt, you could do both.
either have it loose, then you´d have to get rid of most wrinkles, or proceed similar to the webbing approach.
But on this, you´d have to make the jacket more baggy but tighten the waist.
I think the folks tightened the jacket around the waist with a insewn belt, similar to what brits do today.
google breacon or kangoroo pouch.
you missed the compression bands around the leg pouches.
they were utilised to keep the stuff stowed inside them.
Nixon has his belt on, so I'll have to keep it. Time to re-evaluate.
- Helmet doesn't have webbing (keeping it anyway)
- Jacket a LOT saggier. Doesn't have those odd flares I've included in it.
- Nixon is dressed to be pretty relaxed, as he's recon (I assume that's why)
His jacket is pretty saggy.
Look at his lower back.
His belt is tightend, making the back cloth hang around.
Also, the shoulder/armpit seam hangs nearly on the biceps.
Your´s on the model doenst to that.
The jacket is like two sizes bigger.
Also, i´m not sure on this, but i think that the kneepads on the uniform shouldnt be padded like on your model.
At least they look padded and stiff.
On the uniform pics ive posted, it looks just like 2 layers of fabric sewn ontop of each other.
I'm just going to leave the padding there unless I go back to fix the pants. I guess I should hey? Oh well! It's really hard to get that baggyness in MD without it going overboard on the folds. Stiffness modifiers really don't help.
the padding can be tricked in with just some photoshop overlays.
you could easily omit that in either md or mudbox.
the sagging on the shoulders shouldnt be too hard to fix.. just some pulling in the sculpting prog.
Final update before I move onto retopology. After that, I'll definitely be making a Browning Hi-Power. Thanks for all of the critiques and responses. Any more input will be worked on, for sure.
Also the back part of the jacket doesnt look puffy enough.
There shouldnt be any seams on the sides of the soles either
Dont rush things.