This is very minor but I would like to have the ability to edit numerical values such as scale, texture intensity, opacity, and so forth by clicking in the number field and adjusting the value by using the up/down arrow keys like photoshop has. in order to type it into the field your cursor has to be hovering over the ddo interface. I realize this can be done in the PS layer menu but its just a matter of convenience. Like i said, it's minor.
I didn't read this thread so apologies if this is a redundant request, but I'd love the option to input a metalness map when created custom materials. I have a pretty large library of custom materials so I can get more out of my materials, and adjusting metalness maps in the suite is not a lot of work, but it would be a nice feature to streamline the workflow.
Also, and this may be user error, but lately when I save custom smart materials, it only saves whatever layer within the group is selected. I suspect this is because there are custom materials within the smart materials, but I'd love to be able to save the entire group out.
A couple of fixes needed!
The situation: I made a complex smart material with a bunch of materials within. It's very handy for automate generation process when you create a lot of assets. Most of assets contains their own portion of color IDs. The problem is DDO fills out unfound IDs by white mask, so I have to routinely disable unused materials or delete them manually. The best way is DDO could fill unfound IDs by black mask!
There is another fix needed: when I click hide layer button in DDO menu, DDO leafs over documents as through it hides appropriate layers, but if I look at those documents, no changes applied, so I have to shitch off those layers manually or first leaf over documents manually and then click hide layer button, only this way changes applies. Seems like a bug!
v 1.8
Thanx Qiuxel team! Best!
Have not read the thread so i don't know if this has been suggested or not yet:
Would be nice to be able to have all the quixel folders reduced to one folder per Ndo folder, with the sculpting layer on top.
In Ndo, it would help a lot if each layer would maintain a color layer made up of the used area from sculpting layer, just below the sculpting layer, for the ID mask. I know you can go in and ctrl-click the layer and do a fill in a new layer but it would be nice if it did it for you.
Maybe the ability to check a box to make each unique sculpting layer a different color.
Also, the ability to automatically alternate visibility from the regular sculpting layers to the aforementioned color id layers would be nice. And perhaps a "update color id layers" button we could press manually so it didn't try and fill in those layers constantly when we didn't need it doing that. I find experimentation can take a long time, for me anyway.
Maybe add a prefix like [c] to the color layers?
It would really help for when making really dense detail.
Group unzip. Nice for when you want to rotate something you just made upside down quickly when its made up of 10, 20 or more Ndo layers. Or a rotate feature maybe. (I wonder if its in already?)
this is very annoying i am using ddo for my porject but in ddo i am geting black lines on my mesh edges rether my normal map bake is very fine please help
Osakanone - This is true, good UV-mapping is key to any project. Having said this, we have something coming up in the updates following 2.0 that I think everyone is going to like..
Lt_Commander - Good idea
Shrug - There will be texture rotation!
Zogthedoomed_UK - Color ID system is geting a complete overhaul.
Linewmanil - Done
BringMeASunkist - I will add it to the wishlist
Fug - In new 3DO you can do this, you can also add and save cameras.
FedDark - All these fixes should be done in 2.0
Thane- All your requests have been added to the wishlist!
yes of course, what I have found when I was texturing my meshe composed with other meshes and I wanted to have them inside my 3do view or toolbag 2 (when using the link app function).
E.g. I have a character and with his weapon and a floor, so character 1 uv weapon 1 uv and floor 1 uv. I don't know if it's clear enough for you, if not I try to explain it with other words.
Eric Ramberg Dont know if someone already ask about that feature in 3DO baker. But I'm worried about curvature bake mode because main part of software is baking a geometry based curvature but in our days the custom vertex normals workflow starting be more and more popular. So the old method bakes useless maps and it would be great to have a checkbox or something in 3do baker to bake custome vertex normals based curvature.
yes of course, what I have found when I was texturing my meshe composed with other meshes and I wanted to have them inside my 3do view or toolbag 2 (when using the link app function).
E.g. I have a character and with his weapon and a floor, so character 1 uv weapon 1 uv and floor 1 uv. I don't know if it's clear enough for you, if not I try to explain it with other words.
If I understand you right, you already can do that. By exporting separate meshes in one .OBJ file, DDO will recognize it like different meshes and create corresponding texture set for each mesh in .OBJ file.
I was wondering if were planning to create an online library of Smart and normal Materials, or even a place where people could share their calibration profiles
We agree completely, Feddark! Give Suite 2 a shot and let us know what you think!
Finally! congratulations! v2.0 works really faster and smoother! 1) Can't activate the license "try again in a few minutes" 2) dynamask can't pick up textures made in previous version, so I get poor mask when use smart materials from v1.8. only way is hook them up again from v2.0 directory. What if quixel could use link to prefered directory or use creative cloud or any storage where your resources are! 3) can't re-render and reimport input maps. is there the another worflow?
Make undo in painter enabled by default (it's really annoying to have to re-enable it every single time I paint anything)
Better graphics tablet support, I can't use my huion gt-220 with painter because it has decided to convert all my actions into swipe gestures (if I disable wintab support in its drivers it works, but has no pressure sensitivity)
lowpoly models dont give remotely similar results with 2 compared to 1.8, resulting in lowpoly models having completely ruined textures and smoothing issues. (medium and high poly work looks absolutely gorgeous though and is vastly superior to 1.8)
Hey Sketchie, could you provide some images of the low-poly problems you're having on our Quixel Tools Group? I've forwarded your other concerns to the group. I should be able to get a response for you soon!
Hah! one more thing. There is button "copy mask to all maps" of course it does it. But it get destructive if you going to refine this mask in 3do painter. Now I can just copy this mask, go to dynamask editor, paste it there and so on. What about button that implement your pasted or in photoshop edited mask into 3do painting worflow?
And another: I've used 3dcoat to refine masks and there is very good feature that alow to brush only on polygons that your brush layed (topology based) or on volume. 3do must have the same)
Right now whenever I enter paint mode in 3DO curent paint layer gets and normal blending mode for paint purpose. Is it planned in future that while painting we will have real time representation of some blending modes like multiply, hard light etc?
Also some other things I am missing. - color picker in paint mode. It would be best if there would be option to switch between picking color from current paint layer or from all layers combined (similar to what photoshop have) - also mentioned above in my opinion 3DO should start with options chosen previously like undo enabled and rendering mode set up to albedo instead PBR etc etc.
Keep up the great work guys! Software is really impressive. There is no better thing than NDO in my opinion, now I really looking forward to start using DDO for hand painted textures! Hopefully it will become a thing!
Opted to purchase Suite 2 at last... it's a great tool and the new 3D painting stuff is exciting, but not quite what I was hoping for from an in-photoshop app. Here's the direction I'd love to see it go in:
If there is any way to bring over more of the photoshop tools that are so close but not quite there, it'd be great for hand painted textures. Currently I use 3D Coat to do hand-painted texturing stuff, and basically I just want a 3D painter that behaves as much like photoshop as possible. It would make so much more sense to have a one stop shop texturing tool that is actually inside Photoshop like Quixel Suite than it does to switch over to 3D Coat for that stuff, which is the only thing I use 3D Coat for.
I know Quixel is oriented towards realism, but as time goes on that style changes with technology, whereas the more artistic/invented styles tend to age more gracefully... I just hope the tool can grow and become flexible enough to support a wider variety of applications/styles. That's what would really improve it as a tool for artists, though of course it is already a powerful tool for game industry time-saving.
Specifically, something that would allow for 3D painting using the brushes you already have set up in photoshop, and getting hotkey functionality to directly mirror photoshop's setup, would be incredible. Having the color picker detect what photoshops colors are so you can use Colorus, etc. Just conflate it as much as possible with painting in 2D in photoshop.
Anywho, thanks for the release! Will be looking forward to learning how I can use it to be creative in new ways
We're actively working toward improving the tool to meet and exceed your expectations, Athaedos! If you'd like, I can forward what you've written to our development team on our new Facebook group called Quixel Tools Group. It's built specifically for an open discussion on the tools, suggestions on how to improve them, and sharing your art in real-time with other artists!
I'm glad you're enjoying the tools as they are, but I think you have some brilliant insight into how to improve them. Please don't hesitate to join us on Facebook and share your view on the tools!
Thanks Synaesthesia, that warms the cockles of my heart! Just joined the facebook group, it's also a pleasure to see the road-map Teddy posted. I will definitely put my two cents in there as well.
Triplanar projection is on the Trello roadmap! Give it a vote and push it to the top of the priority list! There's a lot of other nifty features the community would like to be added, so make your voice heard on what you think is most important and we'll be focusing our efforts there.
G70292 - it may be possible! I've forwarded that question to our Quixel Live Support group so the developers can take a close look at it.
I'm going to go ahead and close this topic and create an entirely new one specifically for Suite 2.
Also, and this may be user error, but lately when I save custom smart materials, it only saves whatever layer within the group is selected. I suspect this is because there are custom materials within the smart materials, but I'd love to be able to save the entire group out.
The situation: I made a complex smart material with a bunch of materials within. It's very handy for automate generation process when you create a lot of assets. Most of assets contains their own portion of color IDs. The problem is DDO fills out unfound IDs by white mask, so I have to routinely disable unused materials or delete them manually. The best way is DDO could fill unfound IDs by black mask!
There is another fix needed: when I click hide layer button in DDO menu, DDO leafs over documents as through it hides appropriate layers, but if I look at those documents, no changes applied, so I have to shitch off those layers manually or first leaf over documents manually and then click hide layer button, only this way changes applies. Seems like a bug!
v 1.8
Thanx Qiuxel team! Best!
Would be nice to be able to have all the quixel folders reduced to one folder per Ndo folder, with the sculpting layer on top.
In Ndo, it would help a lot if each layer would maintain a color layer made up of the used area from sculpting layer, just below the sculpting layer, for the ID mask. I know you can go in and ctrl-click the layer and do a fill in a new layer but it would be nice if it did it for you.
Maybe the ability to check a box to make each unique sculpting layer a different color.
Also, the ability to automatically alternate visibility from the regular sculpting layers to the aforementioned color id layers would be nice. And perhaps a "update color id layers" button we could press manually so it didn't try and fill in those layers constantly when we didn't need it doing that. I find experimentation can take a long time, for me anyway.
Maybe add a prefix like [c] to the color layers?
It would really help for when making really dense detail.
Shrug - 2.0 will have a meterial creation mode!
Osakanone - This is true, good UV-mapping is key to any project. Having said this, we have something coming up in the updates following 2.0 that I think everyone is going to like..
Lt_Commander - Good idea
Shrug - There will be texture rotation!
Zogthedoomed_UK - Color ID system is geting a complete overhaul.
Linewmanil - Done
BringMeASunkist - I will add it to the wishlist
Fug - In new 3DO you can do this, you can also add and save cameras.
FedDark - All these fixes should be done in 2.0
Thane- All your requests have been added to the wishlist!
E.g. I have a character and with his weapon and a floor, so character 1 uv weapon 1 uv and floor 1 uv. I don't know if it's clear enough for you, if not I try to explain it with other words.
Dont know if someone already ask about that feature in 3DO baker. But I'm worried about curvature bake mode because main part of software is baking a geometry based curvature but in our days the custom vertex normals workflow starting be more and more popular. So the old method bakes useless maps and it would be great to have a checkbox or something in 3do baker to bake custome vertex normals based curvature.
The MAC version of Quixel is taking too long.
I realize is was misfortune that caused the delay and update to Quixel 2.0.
If it's taking this long for that update I can only imagine the Mac release to be around this time next year.
and YES people use the MAC for GAME DEVELOPMENT.... I use Maya, Photoshop, Unreal, Sub. Painter and Zbrush...
I really miss Quixel Suite... I have payed for a tool I can't even use currently, gotta wait till NEXT year. Dang
But I'm patient... I also backed the PERCEPTION NEURON, it suppose to had arrived in February and I still hadn't received it either...
nothing ever works out as planned huh...
rant over
Quixel's phenomenal
1) Can't activate the license "try again in a few minutes"
2) dynamask can't pick up textures made in previous version, so I get poor mask when use smart materials from v1.8. only way is hook them up again from v2.0 directory. What if quixel could use link to prefered directory or use creative cloud or any storage where your resources are!
3) can't re-render and reimport input maps. is there the another worflow?
Smart Materials from 1.8 are not yet compatible with DDO 2 - there will be a conversion tool coming soon!
Re-rendering appears to be disabled for the moment. This too should be coming soon!
Is it planned in future that while painting we will have real time representation of some blending modes like multiply, hard light etc?
Also some other things I am missing.
- color picker in paint mode. It would be best if there would be option to switch between picking color from current paint layer or from all layers combined (similar to what photoshop have)
- also mentioned above in my opinion 3DO should start with options chosen previously like undo enabled and rendering mode set up to albedo instead PBR etc etc.
Keep up the great work guys! Software is really impressive. There is no better thing than NDO in my opinion, now I really looking forward to start using DDO for hand painted textures! Hopefully it will become a thing!
Here's the direction I'd love to see it go in:
If there is any way to bring over more of the photoshop tools that are so close but not quite there, it'd be great for hand painted textures. Currently I use 3D Coat to do hand-painted texturing stuff, and basically I just want a 3D painter that behaves as much like photoshop as possible. It would make so much more sense to have a one stop shop texturing tool that is actually inside Photoshop like Quixel Suite than it does to switch over to 3D Coat for that stuff, which is the only thing I use 3D Coat for.
I know Quixel is oriented towards realism, but as time goes on that style changes with technology, whereas the more artistic/invented styles tend to age more gracefully... I just hope the tool can grow and become flexible enough to support a wider variety of applications/styles. That's what would really improve it as a tool for artists, though of course it is already a powerful tool for game industry time-saving.
Specifically, something that would allow for 3D painting using the brushes you already have set up in photoshop, and getting hotkey functionality to directly mirror photoshop's setup, would be incredible. Having the color picker detect what photoshops colors are so you can use Colorus, etc. Just conflate it as much as possible with painting in 2D in photoshop.
Anywho, thanks for the release! Will be looking forward to learning how I can use it to be creative in new ways
I'm glad you're enjoying the tools as they are, but I think you have some brilliant insight into how to improve them. Please don't hesitate to join us on Facebook and share your view on the tools!
I'm wondering is it possible to add a feature that allow us to paint the adjustment of HSV directly base one brush tool?
There's a lot of other nifty features the community would like to be added, so make your voice heard on what you think is most important and we'll be focusing our efforts there.
G70292 - it may be possible! I've forwarded that question to our Quixel Live Support group so the developers can take a close look at it.
I'm going to go ahead and close this topic and create an entirely new one specifically for Suite 2.