Hi everyone.
I am new to polycount and new to 3D modeling. I done a 3D paper at my college but we were never taught how to do normal maps in Maya, and when i asked even the teacher didn't know.
i have been reading up for well over 2 weeks now but still run into the same issues of the maps either not working or just go weird on the model like in the picture.
now i have dome the UV's correctly and have my high poly and low poly model there,used bevel on high poly so to not have sharp edges.
I always end up with the issue below.
Can someone guide me with more information with how to fix the issue ii am having as it is so frustrating i am kinda close to giving up on 3D modeling

Also thank you to people who reply.

1) Make sure your high poly and low poly models occupy the same position in 3D space
2) Your low poly will probably need extra geometry to match the two rings on your high poly
3) Read this thread for more information on proper normal mapping techniques once you have the basics down
4) Consider using xNormal instead of Maya to bake
5) Read up on cages
Thank you i will try this out. Also i was freezing the transformation so the location should not have mattered from what i read and watched about normal's, but i will try xnormals
Also that wont bake well no matter what, normals only fake lighting angles, but there is a massive silhouette difference between those 2 meshes.