1.I've been having some trouble with this, this morning, so in a nut shell, what is the workflow if you have a hi poly sculpt in zbrush, and you want to bake it in xnormal? (also using Max for low poly). bearing in mind that it needs to be exploded to avoid intersection artifacts.
2.even after decimating, my source mesh is too hi poly to bring into max to do the exploding there. (is this the usual workflow?)
3. I used to be one of those guys that exported each piece individually, baked individually and then composited later. so please don't suggest that as a work around. This is more an excercise in nailing down the workflow than actually having a model at the end.
any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can also break your model into as few parts as possible, to separate your overlapping meshes. Then decimate that in Zbrush and import to 3ds Max one by one.
Thanks for the reply. I guess I was going a bit crazy with the poly counts. I decimated it to 20% of the already decimated model. should work fine. I'm gonna give the Mat ID workflow a go I think. that seems like the most streamlined, but Max seems to take forever to bake anything. I guess that will have to be the next thing I look into. Xnormal is like lightning in comparison.