I'm having problems while baking a normal map.
When I bake something it covers the entire area of the UV texture! And according to the tutorial the only area that should be covered in purple is the area of the mesh I'm baking.
Here are some images to explain myself:
1.Here is my selected object before baking:
2. Here is what happens, the normal map works on the area where the object is projected. But that purple color covers the entire area!
3. This is how it supposes to be! As you can see in the little portion of the UV view, the only purple parts are the ones form the objects, the rest is black. I want that.
Does anybody know how to fix this? It's driving me crazy.
Thank you for your attention.
Alternatively you can combine your individual texture bakes in an image editor.
Black is not a correct normal map color, but if you really want that result in your third image:
1.) Create a new image in the UV/Image editor with color black and generated type to blank
2.) Select the new image for your multires object uvs
3.) Bake your multires object with clear unchecked
Thank you very much!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::)
I don't know why I didn't tried that before!