as i understand, a metalness map is a 1 bit map which determines which parts of the texture are metal and which are nonmetal. It then turns any metal parts albedo to 0,0,0 and uses the value in the albedo map as the specular map instead. So the albedo map sort of doubles as a specular map, but only for metallic parts.
How do i adjust the specularity of nonmetal parts?
the most commonly accepted and implemented value is 0.04 reflectivity which in HEX is clost to 0a0a0a I believe. My understanding is that this is the case in TB2 and UE4.
To add to this :
Most non metals have a very similar specular color/intensity (near white gray-ish)
Metalness should be sufficient for most materials except more exotic ones such as a beetles carapace and (?) oil stains (?)
What you're talking about is Iridescence:
And yeah, to quote the wikipedia article "It is often created by structural coloration (microstructures which interfere with light)." This also happens with a lot of cloths too (diffuse inter-reflection between cloth fibres causing the specular reflection to appear coloured), and I guess you'd want to handle it with a specialized BRDF.