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3DS Turbosmooth HeadusUV question

polycounter lvl 5
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tonberry polycounter lvl 5
I'm following a DT tutorial on modelling a burger, and the tutor used a plug-in to unwrap his burger. I have HeadusUV Hobby, so I exported the buns as OBJ, unwrapped them in Headus, then imported them back as OBJ. UVs are there,so I collapsed them. Then I added Turbosmooth as following the tutorial, and in the tutorial vid his model is smooth, whereas mine had a lot of wrinkles and stuff. Even at iteration 4 there are still uneven spots on the surface. I've been trying to figure out why for 2 days. Please if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it! This only happened after the UV process.


  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    How does your wireframe look like? Maybe you imported the obj triangulated. These triangulated meshes won´t subdivide well.
  • tonberry
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    tonberry polycounter lvl 5
    .Wiki wrote: »
    How does your wireframe look like? Maybe you imported the obj triangulated. These triangulated meshes won´t subdivide well.

    The wire frame look like they're in quads. I keep rewatching the tutorial vid, and his modifier hierarchy is:
    - Turbosmooth
    - Relax
    - Editable Poly

    His poly has UV, so does mine, and he used Unwrap UVW modifier to show it earlier before Collapse To (or delete?). I followed his steps and modifier hierarchy but get the wrinkly result.

    Just now I found out the only way for me to have the same smooth result is to add the Unwrap UVW modifier on the very top, and I can't drag it to the top, or Relax modifier will stop working and everything had to be deleted and reapplied. The hierarchy that works for me is:

    - Unwrap UVW
    - Turbosmooth
    - Relax
    - Editable Poly

    If I don't keep that hierarchy or collapse it that way the wrinkly look will come back. I don't understand why, it's a simple shape with a simple UV map. And is there a way to just look at the UV map and keep the UV map window open without adding and keeping the Unwrap UVW modifier selected?

    Any help would be really appreciated!
  • Weso
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    Weso polycounter lvl 4
    Max doesn't have a UV viewer as far as I know. You'll have to go to Tools > Render UVW Template and export it as an image.

    I don't know about the wrinkleyness though. The first image looks like a smoothing group problem. "Relax" doesn't affect smoothing groups, so the viewport would still draw hard edges. But turbosmooth typically fixes that.

    OBJ doesn't always save face normals, so you could have had them messed up. What you might want to try is making a copy of this bun for safety, then getting rid of all the modifiers. Give it one shading group, then use a "Normal" modifier with Unify checked. Collapse it and try to carry on with the tutorial again.
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