Hey guys! Finally found some time to start this piece.
I wanted to challenge myself with something a little more curvy. I'm shooting for a compact attack helicopter + pilot, Winging the design as I go. Early WIP atm. About 10 hours in at this point.
I will be recording all my progress as well for anyone interested. The highpoly time lapse will be up as soon as I finish the high. Temp character was ripped from zbrush for scale/positioning.
Any C&C welcome!
Blockout Time Lapse
(quick veiwport renders):
Updates soon!
I know it's just a blockout but rotors seem a bit thick, and when at rest they should have a decent amount of bend to them.
Computron: Thanks man! The entire process (High/low/Bakes/Texture/presentation) will be recorded and posted in some fashion. I don't know if it will all be time lapses or not. If people show interest I may start voicing over some of it. If not, meh.
Little update on the rotor. Got 2.5 hours in this morning before work.
Also have you got anything special planned for the pilot?
Im looking forward to seeing how you integrate the character with that awesome chopper
It looks very smooth but I think breaking the silhouette may be worthwhile? It has a gun hanging under the nose, maybe try to make a smooth gunner optic system?