Hello everyone,
Decided to give it a shot, and my Idea for a competition to make a sci-fi and a bit f fantasy race vehicle which is gonna look a bit like windsurf and the pilot is gonna be on it's side. the location of the race is on the edge of the atmosphere on aurora lights, which are gonna be exagurated to look like race track and waves (hope that's not too weird). anyway tat's the first idea, it may change.
I'm gonna begin from the character who is female and has a spacesuit since the race is almost in space. I made a quick blockout and overpaint.
and i really like the upper atmosphere idea, the aurora tracks really remind me of rainbow road =D nostalgiaaaaa cant wait to see this
thanks for noticing the fingers, I actually thought about that, just didn't draw it correctly. will definitely make them separated.
My only crit would be to smooth out the anatomy showing on the suit, things like the rigcage are quite apparent on the sculpt!
new update
only crit i'd have is that her ass looks way too small, proportionwise.
btw could you elaborate on how you made those buttons on her chest?
the surrounding bevels look very clean, but they still conform to her her shape naturaly, wich is pretty awesome.
Your sculpt is coming along really nicely. I do think her waist is a little too defined though, that curve is super sharp and looks unnaturally so to me.
keep it up!
Goeddy, turbinea - the buttons on the chest are really easy to make. I simply create new subtool from a simple cylinder, then I sculpt it to look the way I want and use Meshinsert dot brush to add the button on the suit. Only after I insert all the buttons I engrave places for them to match the buttons, and I also have to use move tool to place them inside the suit.
But wat about her transport?
update on a character and made a quick concept of a vehicle.
Vehicle concept is hard to read at this point, but seems interesting, keep at it!