I have a problem with adding scratches to the body of the car I modelled. I decided not to bake the whole shape and go with higher polycount. But I still need normal maps for wear and tear and some minor damage/details. But when I apply normal maps they totally ruin my reflections.
I baked only these small strips
1)Without normal maps

2)With normal maps

What can be done about this?
I see that there is no way currently to do damage without baking. I wonder how they damage cars in GTA without using them? Do they decals for that? Here's the thread about issue I'm talking about - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95651
Here's another one with a clean bake by Simon Fuchs -http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94200&
Of course if you want to do some unique set-piece car (and not one that needs to fit into a system with dozens of others) you can do it differently.
but how? I'm currently redoing my low poly for this and I intended to make some noises in Substance Designer and put them on low poly without baking any information from high poly. Is it possible or will I get errors like because there is no information from high poly? Should I bake from high poly even if my model is like 100 000 tris and I want to do some damage to the car?
No problems with reflections after baking simple details in 3d Coat and Substance Designer.
I don't why baking in Modo is effed up. There must be something wrong with my setup, I don't know what else.
I also noticed that normal maps in Modo are ligther compared to what other apps produce. May be that's the source of the problem.
The best you'll get is baking a shading normal render output and using that as an object space map inside Marmoset.