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PETROL/BLOOD - CosmicHorizon / EchoCharlieDelta

Hey guys, we're artists from Melbourne based Opaque Multimedia taking a shot at the contest. We were already developing stuff using PBR in-house and thought that this was a good way to develop a better familiarity with PBR based art pipelines.

The concept we are developing is based on the idea of jousting or ritual combat, in that an advanced species is having a type of ritual tournament for some manner of either tribute, decision or festivity.

Both I and Cosmic are developing concepts and assets, but he should pop in soon to give a better overview of the themes and narrative that influenced design decisions. We've split the concepts up as I'll be working on the character/knight, Cosmic will tackle the craft/vehicle and we'll both hit the texturing/3D/dreaded UV elements.

We appreciate any feedback and good luck to everyone!

Stay tuned for vehicle concepts once Cosmic is done with them!


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