One method I've been using recently to symmetrically place decals/other textures on models was to overlay them on layers in Photoshop's 3D view. I'd lay the texture over the model in the top, side view etc. and merge the layer down onto the model diffuse texture when it looked aligned with the model properly. I used guides symmetrically positioned around the 3D viewport to match the locations of the decals when I flipped the model. However, with some models, there have been difficulties...

I had been working to paint on a set of stripes all the way around this vehicle body, using the top, left, right, and bottom orthographic views to merge down duplicate texture overlays. But the pixels at the edge of the decals do not line up with each other when all the decals are merged into the model diffuse map.
Does anyone know a good way to resolve the misaligned decal pixels, using either Photoshop or any other software?