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[UE4] Portfolio scene+meshes - WiP

polycounter lvl 3
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Arendt polycounter lvl 3
Hello there ! This is first time I am posting on polycount.
I am currently working on throne room scene for my portfolio and I decided
I will start posting it here + other meshes that I am gonna use in portfolio.
I still need to make more textures , only the one in the back is made by me .
Still need to make more meshes like bookshelves, fireplace , torches , wooden parts on the walls, barrels .
I am not going for exactly the same design and lighting , since I am not so good at it , but looking for your feedback and critics that can help make my scene better.


  • Nielsen
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    Nielsen polycounter lvl 8
    First off: Cool scene to work on.. DA + Awakenings were great!

    It's very early work but I'll list everything that comes to mind right now, some of these you will probably have seen yourself already.

    -If you're going to make static flags then model in a slight bend or crookedness because perfectly flat banners look too static. If they haven't got it already, add some thickness too.

    -Right now the pillars don't match the concept, that's fine but what you can glean from the concept is that it has more bevels and smoother transitions between the trims and the central column if you will. These are a lot more pleasing to look at than a square box at the bottom of a pillar.

    also... basically when in doubt of your environment: add trims.

    -The floor is stock UE 4 material, bit too modern for this hall, I assume this will be changed.

    -The carpet as is is a bit too saturated red, it also looks slightly more like crumpled paper than a carpet (try using the "FuzzyMaterial" MaterialFunction)
    (note that the carpet in DA doesn't look much like a carpet either but the golden trim helps separate the material and somehow it's more believable)

    -The bricks you're using in the scene look very uniform, the grout from a distance also kind of resembles modern brick. Some colour variation and/or wear helps a lot here.

    -Crank up the Ambient Occlusion settings!

    -The wood grain on the beams seems a bit large, it could be realistic but it looks odd. Your wooden floor is a lot higher res atm and it throws the rest off.
    Look at the texture density on the pillars and the floor in the DA scene, much more in line.

    -Your lighting isn't very impressive right now, it looks very evenly lit and some parts look emissive/unlit. Play with the banners and light transmission (are they thin enough to let through light? If not, what type of fabric is it?)

    For some cool reference on how to light scenes check this out:


    You'll find other cool stuff on his site too:


    There's probably more to say but it's getting late. More as you progress! Hope this helps and keep working on this!
  • Arendt
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    Arendt polycounter lvl 3
    Changed some things ,will be adding more meshes later, made the wood texture for the floor , also lighting looks better now :
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