Hi guys,
after I finished sculpting a portrait in Zbrush, I discovered that behind one of the eyeballs there was a little mess of bad geometry.
I've tried to correct it at low subd levels but somehow it all get worse at highest levels.
I tried to use the move brush to fix each single polygon, to smooth, etc but I can't seem to fix this problem in Zbrush.
Would anybody point me to a possible solution?
I had to move each polygon and then smooth the problems...
Later I came to know of these..
If you have an earlier save
1. Try having a morph target before you change the geo and then use morph brush to clean it up.
2. You could
* take the new Geo as another subtool
* Divide it as many number of times of your original subtool.
* Save morph target on SubDn
* Then with SubDn on the original subtool and SubD1 on new subtool use ProjectAll for all levels from 1 to n (if n is the number of subdivisions on the original subtool)
* Then use morph target brush to clean everything up.
1. is a bit experimental (I don't remember if this worked or not) but 2. is a sure shot. Works 60% of the time every time.
If you don't have earlier save and are stuck with SubD levels of bad geo, start smoothing from level 1 upwards. You might have to go down though cause going up levels projects its information down also.
I hope this is useful..
1. Duplicate the lowest subdivision and delete the higher sub divs.
2. Subdivide your mesh back to the same level.
3. Mask off the problem area on the duplicate.
4 Project your original sculpt on to your duplicate with the masking still there.
You will have to resculpt that portion, but it's not that bad.
I opted for Stevston's idea since I'm not too practical of morph targets and it's working great. I'll just have to do it a couple of times to make it perfect.