Hi polycount !
I'm not very experimented, so i have some little problems during my exploration of differents workflow. For the moment, the thing is the seams f my mesh... I did a quick sketch in zbrush because i wanted experiment zbrush to unreal workflow. I think it's a beginner's probleme, it's why i'm asking to you experimented

So the problem is : i can see the seams of my model when i assign my baked map to the low poly mesh (difuse, occlusion, specular, etc)
I tried to reverse red and green channel... nothing happening, i try rendering in 3dsm max, unreal editor and marmoset toolbag, and the seams always appear.
Thanks a lot for your futur help, i really want to improve myself

Here is screenshots of marmoset toolbag.

http://www.renderhjs.net/textools/ use this plugin and watch this video if you don't know how to do that.
Also, do you use Cage for baking your maps? If not, watch this video to see how it can be done
Did you straighten UV island's edges so they match together perfectly at the seam?
Next time post UV map and normal map screens too, that would be much helpful than guessing.
To bake the normal, diffuse, etc, i use xnormal and the tool ray distance calculator for the cage (I exported the high poly and his polypaint, i made a low poly and the uv's on max).
And thank you for your help
Here's screenshots of the two