Hey all! Complete beginner to Maya here- I recently began a Digital Tutors subscription in an attempt to start creating some of my own Dota items in the workshop. For anyone who has been through this process before as a beginner, which Maya tutorials have been the best for laying the foundation?
I have completed the modeling portion of Introduction to Maya 2015, and Introduction to Modeling in Maya. Which Digital Tutors tutorials did you find helped you the most in beginning to create solid work? It could also be from outside DT, but as you might understand, I would like to make the most of my subscription.
I'm also having trouble finding a start-to-finish guide on how to create Dota items and submit them (for Maya users).
It seems like my start-to-finish workflow will look something like this?
1) Draw concept art (Photoshop)
2) Create a 3d model (Maya)
3) Do UV mapping (Maya)
4) Do a 'retopo' Still not sure entirely what this means, but I know you are making both a lo poly and hi poly model of the item using valve's polygon restrictions. I'm not sure why you need both models either? (Maya)
5) Add textures? I think this means to color the model? (Not sure what program here. Photoshop? I have access to zbrush but I don't know what the program does)
6) Create marketing icons (Not sure what program here.)
I know this is a lot of questions and they probably have been answered already, but the search function is kind of lacking. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you for your help!
With Zbrush you can complete the steps 1 to 5.
Zbrush include PaintStop, and 2d desging
With Dynamesh, Zpheres, ShadowBox you can create your 3d models, but you will need spend time for training and practice.
Use UV Mater for setup your uv map (paste the texture to the 3d model), in this step you can create: displacement maps, normal maps, occlusion map.
Retopo with Zmesher its easy way, convert your high density mesh in a mesh with low poly in seconds.
Texture with PolyPainting in zbrush, use brushes and masking options, and with spotligth you can use interactive photo texture proyection in real time. Create texture rougth of surface and color at same time.
u can start learning here: http://pixologic.com/zclassroom/homeroom/
but the main reason for use one tool or other its how confortable you feel in daily use.
I believe Digital Tutors offers some introductory courses on 3D (I know there's one for 3DS Max) so I'd suggest starting with that if you already have a membership. Focus on learning how to use the tools you have and make a Dota 2 item as a project for once you know how to make some 3D assets and textures.
why not? Having an end goal helps. I learned how to paint textures specifically to get player skins into Quake.
Hope this helps, and start a workshop thread!!