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First Attempt at DOTA item WIP

Hi there guys. I'm a complete newbie to 3D work, but seeing as I've got some spare time I figured I might as well learn some new skills.

I came up with a 'Masquerade Ball' style concept for Death Prophet, and so far I've managed to whip up a mask in Blender:


Basically, it's a regular masquerade mask, but I gave it the skull like nose to tie it into DP's scary undead vibe.
I'm quite proud of it considering I've not used Blender a whole lot before.

Anyway, the mask is 129 tris, which means that I've got 271 to play with in order to give her hair in LOD1, and a small tonne more for LOD0. It's also completely symmetrical, which I gather is useful for texturing?

I have a couple of questions about where to go from here:

-Should I do a super-high poly sculpt for baking purposes, or do you think the 800 tri mesh for LOD0 will be detailed enough?
-Do you know of any good resources I can use to learn how to do the next bit, ie, skinning/texturing? Eg. guides on youtube or wherever
-Should I do geometry for the back side of the mask? It's currently completely flat, I don't know if that would be a problem for any reason?
-Other thoughts?

Oh yeah, last couple things; what size image should I be using in these forums? Also, what hairstyle should she have? I'm not exactly an expert on hair ^^

Thanks guys!
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