Hello o/ I've been trying to bake some my high res model of this fire extinguisher to the low res but i'm geting some odd bug with the projection.

I've tried a couple of things as in expand the cage, use differente stages of the model etc.. but nothing seems to help.
Also when baking the maps come out a complete mess (to the extent of the AO map being mixed in a bit with the NormalBump!)

help would be appreciated i suck x)
The cage *Should* always mimic the quality of the LP. This includes normal direction, Xforms, topology, etc. So if you get two cage points from what looks like a single point on the lowpoly you know its a broken weld/double vert.
But for the bottom half i'm not sure it's the same case and i might aswell delete the bottom half and remodel it just to make sure there aren't any overlapping poly's etc...