Attempting to import custom made assets into Unity (Used Maya and 3DS Max for this particular situation). I've exported the assets form Maya/3DS Max with it exporting as Meters. When I go into Unity and import it into Unity, change the scale from 0.01 to 1, and drag into the hierarchy, it shows up invisible. I do not know why, but I can not for the life of me get my assets to show up.
Also try selecting the object in question in hierarchy and then press F ( works same as in maya)
that should frame the object.
Also Also
I am trying to create an animation for a door to slide down under the plane and come back up after a few seconds. The animation as intended when I check the animator box on my door, but when I uncheck it, it does not work.
I have a cube set up as a collider for an on trigger with the imported unity script to activate a trigger. Also have the animation on my door already.,O80VeqI#0 is my trigger and,O80VeqI#1 is my actual door.
Any help is much appreciated!
Can't really understand the problem here, also i have very basic knowledge of unity scripting but, isn't it supposed to act that way? I mean the door have animation right? and it is checked ( enabled ) and it works while enabled, so if i understood the problem correctly ( which i don't think i did
From screenshots it looks fine too, collider has target and source plugged in correctly.
Maybe check the scripts manual if it exists, or try and open it maybe it has some sort of instructions on how to use it that is commented out ?
Code would be something like this (pseudo code):
var DownStateDelay : float = 3.0f;
function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
yield WaitForSeconds (DownStateDelay);"DoorClose");
This is the script I have for my "Activate Trigger"
public class ActivateTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
public enum Mode {
Trigger = 0, // Just broadcast the action on to the target
Replace = 1, // replace target with source
Activate = 2, // Activate the target GameObject
Enable = 3, // Enable a component
Animate = 4, // Start animation on target
Deactivate= 5 // Decativate target GameObject
/// The action to accomplish
public Mode action = Mode.Activate;
/// The game object to affect. If none, the trigger work on this game object
public Object target;
public GameObject source;
public int triggerCount = 1;///
public bool repeatTrigger = false;
void DoActivateTrigger () {
if (triggerCount == 0 || repeatTrigger) {
Object currentTarget = target != null ? target : gameObject;
Behaviour targetBehaviour = currentTarget as Behaviour;
GameObject targetGameObject = currentTarget as GameObject;
if (targetBehaviour != null)
targetGameObject = targetBehaviour.gameObject;
switch (action) {
case Mode.Trigger:
targetGameObject.BroadcastMessage ("DoActivateTrigger");
case Mode.Replace:
if (source != null) {
Object.Instantiate (source, targetGameObject.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.rotation);
DestroyObject (targetGameObject);
case Mode.Activate:
case Mode.Enable:
if (targetBehaviour != null)
targetBehaviour.enabled = true;
case Mode.Animate:
targetGameObject.GetComponent<Animation>().Play ();
case Mode.Deactivate:
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {
DoActivateTrigger ();
Create a new javascript, paste in what i posted above, make sure your player is tagged as "Player" (or just remove the if statement if you want anything to trigger it) and you should be good to go