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Watch Dogs Enivornment Beginner Model

Hello Polycount-Forum!

I apologize in advance for my bad English, as it is not my mothertongue.

I have to say that I am a complete newby at modelling in maya, and therefore i wanna hear your real critics on it!

As i started modelling a month ago or so, i decided to make my first little project. Some time ago a modelling artist who worked on WatchDogs postet an image, and i used this as an reference image for my own model!


Rendering in Maya and Mental Ray:

Thank you guys in advance for your critics!


  • jStins
    Offline / Send Message
    jStins interpolator
    First of all, I'd recommend hosting your images somewhere like imgur.com so you can post them directly in the thread. It will also be easier to see errors in your geometry if you post viewport screenshots with a dark diffuse and some specularity. Physical sun and sky renders look nice, but can hide mask issues in the surface.

    Your modeling looks pretty good from what I can tell. What's the objective here? Just part of the scene and some props or a complete environment?
  • Soldier63
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for your tipps, however i will try to render the next scene within maya itself.
    I just started with that one part but I'm going to model the hole scene, however texturing would be difficult :)


    wireframe model of the coffee and the table:

    And I also got a little problem here, don't know if it matters, what do you think?


    Thanks for your answers! :)
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