I am fairly new to level design and have just recently obtained UE4. I decided to try and make a modular interior level, and this is what I cam up with using square modular pieces for the plain walls, a wall with a door in it, and the floor. Below is also a texture sheet for the enviro, only a few of the materials on there that I have used yet. My question is if this is the best way to do this. I would be really appreciative if you guys could give me some guidance on what I should do.

I guess you will be adding more in the future?
Unreal engine counts each separate object as another drawcall, sometimes called a section. The renderer pauses every time it goes to draw another section. It does not matter if objects are sharing a shader or textures. This means that there's absolutely no performance gain from using the same texture in the way you have it there.
You may even experience negative memory impacts by being unable to stream out textures as they get further away from the player. If you had several separate textures they would unload from memory as you moved away from them.