Sup guys, currently working on a bust, might turn it into a full character, not sure just yet, got the zbrush sculpt mostly there for now so thought I'd start posting some progress! Heres the current sculpt, want to have it running in marmoset by the end of the week, looking into hair right now. Feedback most welcome, thanks!

Can't wait to see the final version :thumbup:
Kimon: Thanks bro, glad you could tell who it was
Crazy_pixel: Thanks dude, yeah might rough in the suit a little more, think alot of the scratches are only surface deep so a lot of it is probably going to be left to the texture.
tristanCarter: makes me want to gandalf this dude!
gloriousczar: would love to, have another character in the works as well which I'm pretty excited about showing soon so kind of just want to focus on the bust right now and then move on with my next character, maybe after that though!
Torch: Thanks bro
oxygencube: Sweet, thanks bro!!
slosh: Thanks dude, thanks for the support you keep giving me
All of a sudden this is so much more appropriate. Sweet work!
slosh: yeah I'm fully aware of what you mentioned, need to make sure i give the hair a lot of love. I'll see about getting back to the magneto piece too, once I get this gandalf one done first at the risk of coming off as some sort of ian mckellen fan boy haha
MrNinjutsu: thanks bro!
Xaragoth: i wouldn't mind having my own ian mckellen head on my desk either, thanks!
i'd probably do something similar for the hair, think hulk hogans hairline and have a plane similar to that underneath all of the individual planes, then use the individual planes for flyaways and stray hairs rather than try to build up the bulk.
I've considered doing this for my own stuff, wasn't sure if it was the best way to go about it.
I've done more to him since these screens were taken, added his cloak and cloak pendant/brooch thingy, and tweaked the hair since. I took the above advice for both the hair and beard by using a textured plane to build the bulk of the hair up and then lots of smaller planes to add shape and depth (thanks for that almighty_gir!) worked a treat!
Anyway I'll post the updated high poly and real-time versions real soon, feel free to let me know what you think in the mean-time, more to come real soon