Unity noob question:
How do I install the BumpColorSpec Material type?
I see code but don't know what language it is or where to place it? I am aware of using the spec map in the alpha slot of the diffuse map, but that is of course very different than the usual workflow and I'm working on something where I'm intending to use multiple editors at once.
Thank you. I created a new shader. I can see buttons such as "Show Generated Code" and "Show All". I click on them and see MonoDev open up. I can paste the code in and even save it somewhere. That is as far as I get. No change.
Thanks. I believe the mistake I made was I did a "file > save as" which made a new shader in a folder rather than updating the one in front of me. When I successfully do what I quoted above, I go back into Unity to see this:
I go back into MonoDev and see this at the top of the code:
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'PositionFog()' with multiply of UNITY_MATRIX_MVP by position
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'V2F_POS_FOG' with 'float4 pos : SV_POSITION'
I delete these lines, save it again, go back into Unity and then it's fixed. Or so its seems at first. Only the diffuse is actually showing on the model (The normal was working just fine on a default material type earlier)
Here's one for the newer versions.
It works!