Hi, I'm having some issue with the normal map (baked in xnormal), it appears that the green channel is overexposed and I have no idea how to control it. First things firs-I am confused about flipping the Y channel to -(minus), when I see the normals on valves items and models, they look like they have inverted channels (like the uv-islands are all holes) And cannot figure how to set the baking options before I bake the normal in xnormals (should it be X+ Y+ Z+)... And from there I cannot figure if its a huge problem with my bake or it could be an issue even from the UV... So, can anyone help?! thank you
Also you can bake your normal map with the default settings in xnormal. When you take the normalmap into photoshop you can then go to the green channel and invert JUST that specific channel.
Thanks guys, I guess it was just with inverting the green channel, I was not sure how the Dota 2 engine works, now the model looks great in-game, soon it will be on the workshop. Thanks a lot !!