I've made a high poly model with five subdivision levels. The topology is pretty clean as I have retopologized it and all, featuring only two triangles.
I split the model into several (maybe five or so) subgroups and used the UV Master to generate the UVs (I used "Tangent", "Adaptive", "SmoothUV", "SNormals" and "FlipG") and exported it, the textures and the lowpoly model separately for use in 3ds Max 2014 x64, put them together in there and everything looks great except for the fact that I get ugly edges right along the UV borders.
This image shows you what the normal map looks like when having used a secondary map channel to render just the area around one of these seams, using "Render to texture". It features two separate seams. As you can see, an elevation that's white on one side of the seam is blue on the other, so the two sides or UV elements don't match up in colour/normal information:
As you can see, it's like Zbrush calculated each side of the seam separately and forgot to make sure to use the same angle of light along both sides of the seam while calculating perhaps? Surely there must be an easier way than eliminating the seams manually?
Thanks in advance!
Absolutely agree with Blond on this.
Before handplane3d I was like
After handplane3d I am like
Jokes aside. Zbrush tangent basis is a bit weird I was having problems too bake world based maps and convert them in handplane3d. Its a bit longer process but it works 60% of the time every time.
This picture demonstrates the problem:
This issue does not appear in normal maps generated from Zbrush (but they have that UV seam problem instead...), so I guess the cage is the problem. Isn't there a way to make XNormal ignore polygons of the high poly not belonging to the immediate area (so that when on the bottom lip, it doesn't take polygons belonging to the upper lip in to account)?
I did actually find a way to use XNormal without the cage. I have to import the low and high poly as usual, and check the "Match UVs" option in the low definition list. Then I use the same procedure as previously mentioned above with Handplane to get a pretty good normal map without the interpenetrating cage and all that.