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Separate clothing/skin textures on the same mesh?

polycounter lvl 9
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drysider polycounter lvl 9
Hey all, I'm just wondering, how would I go about creating separate skin and clothing maps on the same mesh? So the clothes are just going to be textured straight onto the base model, they aren't separate objects.

The character has a couple of different outfits to cycle through, so I'm making one large texture map for all the outfits. He also has a customizable skin tone so the skin texture must be separate. I'm wondering what would be the best way to set up uvs so the character reads both the skin uv map and the clothing uv map at the same time?

Usually I would use a multi sub object and just make the clothes separate objects mapped to their own uv.


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    What software/game engine are you using? For example in Unity you can change the UVs scale and tiling directly on the material. But if the skin and clothes need to change independently, there's no way around using two object or materials. Unless you just make a texture for every variation available.
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