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Question about low poly modelling

polycounter lvl 15
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Bummer6 polycounter lvl 15
I absolutely love this style of modelling.
I've been a pixel artist for years, and I'd love to know if there's a tutorial on this kind of mix between pixel art and low poly modelling? I've tried to just wing it, but it didn't turn out too good.


  • Michael Knubben
    There's really not much special about it in terms of modeling, so luckily just about any tutorial will teach you the basics of modeling and unwrapping.
    You're probably best off starting with something simple like a very boxy robot. With basically a set of glorified cubes, you can jump straight into texturing without worrying about stretching etc.
    Set your viewport to be unfiltered (method differs per software, post what you use and someone will help you out), and there you go! Lowpoly pixely goodness.

    Post what you've got, and you'll get up to more complex stuff soon enough.

    edit: also, show us what you got 'just winging it', it'll make it easier to tell where you're going wrong.
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