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Realistic character & weapons project

Hi Guys,

Here is my last freelance project. I worked with my collegue Gabriel Galvao. He worked on the weapons, and me on the character.
The polycount of the character is 21K and the textures of 4K.
Hope you like it, any suggestions are welcome.






  • dwgagner
    Offline / Send Message
    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    If you're looking for critique. You did a great job on the clothing, it's pretty solid and the texturing is great. I think the weakest link in this for me is the face and hair.

    The eyes feel really odd to me, almost getting the illusion that he's crosseyed but it's more related to their relative proportion to the rest of his face than the direction they are pointing. The eyebrows as well feel painted on, as though he used a girls eyebrow pencil or something. His hair, as an object is ok but I think it would benefit if you textured some transition on the scalp or the head to blend into the hair, it would eliminate the super hard line where his hair meets his skull and push it further towards realism.

    Also his jaw feels like it's wider than his cranium, it's slight but it's making his head feel ever so slightly triangular.

    I think if you polished those areas you'll have a pretty stellar piece.
  • sebastianez
    dwgagner wrote: »
    If you're looking for critique. You did a great job on the clothing, it's pretty solid and the texturing is great. I think the weakest link in this for me is the face and hair.

    The eyes feel really odd to me, almost getting the illusion that he's crosseyed but it's more related to their relative proportion to the rest of his face than the direction they are pointing. The eyebrows as well feel painted on, as though he used a girls eyebrow pencil or something. His hair, as an object is ok but I think it would benefit if you textured some transition on the scalp or the head to blend into the hair, it would eliminate the super hard line where his hair meets his skull and push it further towards realism.

    Also his jaw feels like it's wider than his cranium, it's slight but it's making his head feel ever so slightly triangular.

    I think if you polished those areas you'll have a pretty stellar piece.

    Thank you very much dwgagner!, I will keep your critique in my mind, but for futures projects. This character is rigged now and took time. I think that I need practice with the hair too, I will stress upon this the next time. About the eyebrows, is an artistic desicion, we didn´t want a character 100% real, we wanted a character semi real stilized (saturated colors, and hand painting). About the jaw, this character is the hero of the project, the client asked me for a face with these characteristics, there are seven types of faces, obviously this is the triangle. Cheers!
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    I really like the character.

    However it seems you completely left out the AO on the face. Dont know if thats on purpose or not, but i think you should add an AO ontop of the diffuse. To the face and the areas where any two regions join together like the sleeve meeting the arms and the shirt meeting the jeans. It makes the model look grounded in my opinion.
    Was your AO baked with the low res exploded or joined together?
    The model looks like its shown as a flat shaded model rather than one with speculars and AO

    Heres what i mean. I dont understand this software (dont have PS atm). but i hope its clear. hope you dont mind
  • s6
    Offline / Send Message
    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Nice piece!

    The last shots pose looks strange, though. He's holding the weapon as if it had a pistol grip. It would look more natural if he had his thumb over the top grasping the right side of the stock.

    Overall, good job. I think it would make a nice 3rd person character in game.
  • sebastianez
    butt_sahib wrote: »
    I really like the character.

    However it seems you completely left out the AO on the face. Dont know if thats on purpose or not, but i think you should add an AO ontop of the diffuse. To the face and the areas where any two regions join together like the sleeve meeting the arms and the shirt meeting the jeans. It makes the model look grounded in my opinion.
    Was your AO baked with the low res exploded or joined together?
    The model looks like its shown as a flat shaded model rather than one with speculars and AO

    Heres what i mean. I dont understand this software (dont have PS atm). but i hope its clear. hope you dont mind

    Thank you for the feedback Clusterone!. The image´s example is very clear. Looks really good with the contrast colors. I mixed the AO with the diffuse, maybe in all the workk od painting I lost details of the AO. In the articulatios, of the T-Shirt with the vest, I had the problem that when he moved (after the rigging) the AO moves too and looked very extrange. I will keep your feedback in my mind. Cheers!
  • sebastianez
    Thanks s6! Yeah, I see what you say. Shit, hehee. I´ll work on this!.
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