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[CE] Beach diorama



  • dschmidt3d
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    dschmidt3d polycounter lvl 6
    I really like your scene. Have you thought about putting any type of shells or shell fragments on the beach? Or putting any small animals like crabs or seagulls to add your own personal touch to the concept?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    MattyWS: Maybe that's why it ended up there. :p All joking aside, you might be right. But personally it's not something that bothers me.

    oxblood: Thanks man. As for the barrels I just tried to match the size in the concept pic. I can definitely make it a bit larger though. Cheers!

    dschmidt3d: Thanks. I haven't but it's a great idea! I'm definitely looking into that. Shells are a good way to add some details apart from the pebbles and stones. :D

    Not a lot to look at here but it's WIP of my palm tree high poly leaf. It's my first ever tree so any feedback while I'm still at it would be great. I'm just about to start the other leaf now. Two should be enough to get variation, then I will obviously bend the leaf low poly to get even more variation.

  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator

    Not a lot to look at here but it's WIP of my palm tree high poly leaf. It's my first ever tree so any feedback while I'm still at it would be great. I'm just about to start the other leaf now. Two should be enough to get variation, then I will obviously bend the leaf low poly to get even more variation.

    You should probably increase the amount of leaves relative to the bare branch, assuming you are going for the coconut style frond shown in the concept.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Good point, I made the leaves less sparse and created a basic color map that I'll use when texturing. I also increased the size of the HP since the stem/branch will be a 3D mesh and not a flat plane and I can fit it in vertically on the UVs. I just use it for reference in the pic.

    Is this better?

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    I grew up in Florida so I've got a lot of experience with palm trees. Palm fronds don't experience the horizontal wiggle you're applying along the length, they are actually really stiff along their length, they can droop down a bit bot not side to side. They have a V shaped profile that gives them structural rigidity.

    They can also give you brutal papercuts, yeoch!
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I grew up in Florida so I've got a lot of experience with palm trees. Palm fronds don't experience the horizontal wiggle you're applying along the length, they are actually really stiff along their length, they can droop down a bit bot not side to side. They have a V shaped profile that gives them structural rigidity.

    They can also give you brutal papercuts, yeoch!
    Oooh, I had no idea. Thanks for that I'll get it fixed right away. :)
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I got some more very good feedback after talking to a few other guys and now I've got a version of the palm tree I'm fairly happy with. Can't get any screenshots of it that I like but here's a video showing how it moves. The changes I made was basically making the leaves a lot more dense, even more so than above. It resulted in a thicker and more natural look in CryEngine. I'm still thinking about adding some more details into the texture though.

    Next up is just making the trunk and those chopped off branches, and some coconuts of course. :)

    C&C welcome!

  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    I'd do something about the boat. Right now it's way too thin and it looks like it would snap in half if you hit anything.

    Otherwise looking forward to seeing the final version!
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    The fronds look cool, but the trunk is way too thick for the size of them, and you should also have more fronds hanging down.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Mik2121 wrote: »
    I'd do something about the boat. Right now it's way too thin and it looks like it would snap in half if you hit anything.

    Otherwise looking forward to seeing the final version!
    Alrighty, I doubled the widths of the edges. Cheers.
    m4dcow wrote: »
    The fronds look cool, but the trunk is way too thick for the size of them, and you should also have more fronds hanging down.
    Here's a more recent shot of the palms. I realize the trunks are slightly too thick (way too thick is exaggerating a little, no?), but I kinda like the bulky look they have (and I do think they are quite bulky in the concept). Also their shape might not be 100% correct, but then again I'm not striving for 100% accuracy. I'm going for the overall resemblance.

    As for more fronds, do you basically just mean more leaves? Because I'm not sure how many I can fit in there without getting obvious and ugly clipping on the stems.

  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    So I guess what I mean about more fronds hanging down, is that the trees right now have a sort of manicured resort feel to them, look at the temporary trees you had before, there were a bunch of fronds hanging down from the canopy.

    Like I said before the trunk is way too thick compared to the canopy.
    Even this fairly short coconut tree's trunk isn't as thick as what you currently have.

    It is almost like you are mixing the proportions of a date palm with coconut tree (the current bark texture looks like this too).
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Looking at the concept the tree trunks don't taper off as much as in your picture, and I've been trying to follow the concept rather than finding a real type of palm to create. But you're right, mine are probably a little too uniform in their thickness, I can definitely taper them off slightly more.

    Btw, the other trees I had are just old Crysis trees from 2007, and they don't match the concept at all (with the fronds hanging down like that). They were just placeholders, not references.

    And the bark texture I have now is too brown compared to the one in the concept, which is more greyish. I will get that fixed.

    I appreciate the feedback, thanks m4dcow. :)

    Edit: Is this better? Old to the left, new to the right.

  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Hey folks! I've had a bit of downtime with this project for various reasons but decided to finish it up. I think I'm close to done, I just want to add in a few more details like sea shells on the beach etc. Here is where it's at now. In the end I think the outer wall of rocks worked out pretty well. What do you think?

    C&C welcome!





  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    Hey folks! I've had a bit of downtime with this project for various reasons but decided to finish it up. I think I'm close to done, I just want to add in a few more details like sea shells on the beach etc. Here is where it's at now. In the end I think the outer wall of rocks worked out pretty well. What do you think?

    C&C welcome!






    Looks amazing, arguably abit too clean IMO
    could add an area of scorched earth or something where there was once a camp fire... or even some cool unqiue props like a message in a bottle or some fallen coconuts or something :D

    Just thinking of a story/background for this scene.

    Maybe a crab? A Starfish? Coral in the water? possibilities are endless :D
  • Spiffy
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    Spiffy polycounter lvl 12
    God damn dude, looking great

    Turtles are cool as well.
  • e-freak
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    looks fantastic :)
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks dudes! Some really good ideas. :) I tried to make a message in a bottle. Turns out I learnt a few new things despite such a seemingly simple object. The letter scroll was an interesting shape that I wanted to find a quick method for, wich I did (probably still more complicated than it had to be :p) and the glass shader in CryEngine presented itself as difficult task, it's hard to get the look I want. I might go back and make some holes in the paper to make it look even more worn. Maybe also make it darker to appear wet.

    I also did some smaller rocks to fill out the scene.



  • Youngy798
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    Youngy798 polycounter lvl 4
    really cool project :D
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to post some shots of the final scene. Always things to improve but I want put this one behind me and jump onto new challenges. Learnt a bunch doing this one and had a lot of fun. Thanks for all the suggestions that helped making it a better scene. (:







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