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The GFactory (outsourcing): our new website goes live!

Hi there,

I take advantage of the full redesign of our website www.the-gfactory.com to introduce you with our services and artworks.

You will discover a new design, an extended range of services, and a brand new gallery highlighting the great artists of our collective.
On the menu: concept art, character modeling, environment and vehicles, and animation.

The GFactory is not a company, but a collective of freelance artists:
Whether you need a single artist or an entire team, we’ll be there to meet your needs throughout your projects' graphic production period.

We already took part in major projects for the videogame and advertising industries. Come in and have a look at our clients list and achievements!

I hope that you'll enjoy this new website, and have a good time on it.

Feel free to contact us at any time, we look forward to hearing from you!




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