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Gladiator Character ( Unreal Engine 4 )

Hi people,

I've been working on this character for a while in my spare time.
Firstly, I don't consider myself as "character artist", but the main purpose of this was to practice and learn the full process to create a functional character in videogames production, so i know that the topology isn't perfect at all, and there's lots of things to solve (learned a lot, mission accomplished :) ).

Also, i've made a custom rigging in Blender, and idle animation, a tiny morph and imported it in UE4.

Then i created an environment, created a cinematic, fx (well the fire is in the engine's default assets) and postprocess , and then composed the background track.

I've fought with many issues in this project, so i want to make a video where i explain those problems and how to solve it, and how the scene was made entirely. If anyone has any questions or wants to know how i made anything, feel free to ask me , i hope that someone can learn of my mistakes :).

Here's the video:

And some snapshots:





More information in this thread (Spanish) : http://www.foro3d.com/f37/gladiador-udk-character-107995.html

I hope you like it!


  • gekigengar5
    Your video reel has way too long of an intro. Just get straight to the art. But there are still a lot of issues with it

    -your camera moves are very dizzying, and the sudden cuts aren't recommended either.

    -Typically a "Murmillo" gladiator would be armed with a short sword/gladius, not a pillum which is used for throwing.

    -I think your metals are looking pretty good.

    -Your cloths and leathers need work, they don't seems to have the same realistic material properties as the metals. They come out looking too flat.

    -The environment looks very rushed, especially the pedestal

    I would try to keep everything consistent. Give everything the same amount of quality.
  • Behemoth
    Hey thanks a lot for the feedback!! :)
    Your video reel has way too long of an intro. Just get straight to the art. But there are still a lot of issues with it

    -your camera moves are very dizzying, and the sudden cuts aren't recommended either.That's true, i just wanted some kind of dynamic scene, hehe. Maybe for my next projects i should think in something more relaxed.

    -Typically a "Murmillo" gladiator would be armed with a short sword/gladius, not a pillum which is used for throwing. Well, pilum kills too in melee combat,so it's ok hahaha. Nah, i didn't want to make the tipical Gladius, and i had a pilum done, so...why not? hehehehe

    -I think your metals are looking pretty good. Thanks!

    -Your cloths and leathers need work, they don't seems to have the same realistic material properties as the metals. They come out looking too flat. Totally agree, i ported this from UDK and i'm kind of newbie in PBR, cloth and leather has been difficult for me.Truly i need to focus on improve that :)

    -The environment looks very rushed, especially the pedestal. Yes, that's because i wanted to build it as fast as possible, is not a environment scene, so i needed to fill it and finish the exercise. I used so much vertex painting instead of unique textures to accelerate the process, but that's true, pedestal sucks hahaha

    I would try to keep everything consistent. Give everything the same amount of quality.

    Thanks again!
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