Hi guys
I wanted to do an animal study and my teammates had suggested a 'moose', so I went and did that for a week and i ended up thinking hey , this ain't so bad , compared to my other stuff that is.
So I decided to take it a few steps further , make a nice render , nice environment.
I'm gonna use the term 'nice' as that's from my point of view. I was wondering if some of you guys maybe had some pointers of how to make the environment a bit more appealing and professional.
I'm currently redoing the antlers , redid the pose and moved the two rocks at the slope of the platform a bit further out to make it a bit more realistic, I haven't rendered it yet though.
The environment hasn't changed much though.
So yeah , lots of rabblings , tear me apart.
The scene might be better if you placed him in shallow water, as though he's crossing a stream, or at least fairly thick turf.
The antlers also look a bit off, the spikey parts seem too long I think. Here's some reference I found off google images that might be helpful.
Here's my updated version , I honestly don't think I'll make him tread through water because I don't want to hide any part of his body or being cheap and submerging his feet I suppose.
But yeah , I was actually using that antler reference before you mentioned it and some other ones as well so I hope I improved on the pose and the antlers as well.
The antlers still look kinda wonky though I have to admit so I'll keep on working on it
If someone could provide me with a paintover maybe that would help me a lot