I'm looking to get a job in the industry in the future as an environment artist. I have really fallen in love with adding the high poly details to my meshes via Ndo2. I really think it speeds up the process significantly while still allowing a great deal of control.
I am in the process of trying to develop good workflow habits that I will actually be expected to perform in the workplace. So I was wondering if adding high poly details via Ndo2 is acceptable over actually achieving the results via high poly geometry.
I realize that assets usually pass through multiple artists before reaching the final version. So will the studio or client expect the high poly file to contain all of the high poly details via editable geometry? Would they be okay with also receiving the Ndo2 Master Photoshop file? Or do they just care about the end result (low poly and normal map)?
I realize that answers may vary depending on the specific workflow of the studio, etc. I was just curious if anyone had any experience with actually working with Ndo2 in their workflow at the work place or with clients?
I just don't want to develop habits of incorporating Ndo2 in my workflow if the studio head or client is not going to allow it due to the possibility that revisions will have to be made by another artist?
Thank you!
With that said it is important to have a very clean and documented workflow: name your layers, cleanup your scenes etc.. It also means that if a studio is not using ndo at all it might be an issue to come up with assets that nearly get 80 % of theier details via ndo. In such cases I think you mostly try to deliver in a way your client is pleased. Doing some details in ndo will be ok, I guess.
As an hired artists you will have to adapt to the studio pipeline.
All in all I would say it is very important to have a clean and optimized workflow. But you should be able, that you are able to do great HP work without Ndo, if asked to do so. And your portfolio should sho this.