Hey guys, just having an issue here and I can't find anything on it. Basically my weight paint values are far too strong. I've lowered it down to 0.0001 and it still acts as though it is set to the maximum of 1.
Are the other values weighted to joints that move with the 0.00001? Say you were skinning a shoulder, and you had 0.0001 weight on the verts around the clav, then the rest of the weight went to the elbow. If you moved the shoulder it would be moving the elbow with it.
My fist step would be to check out the Component Editor to see if there are any wonky weight values affecting those verts. I think there was a bug in Maya 2012 or 2013 that allowed more than 1.0 for total weight values, essentially allowing multiple joints to hold more weighting than they should have been able to.
Hard to say without looking at the scene.