Hi all, I have been asked to work on some LOD's for a few character models and had a quick question. What is your personal approach to creating LOD's for character models and is there a quick way to optimize/lower the amount of tris on a mesh while retaining good edge loops for deformation and having the same UVs as the original mesh?
Am using
Maya just in case anyone happens to have a workflow using that app. Thanks!

Merges vertexes and uv's.
I have it set to M on my keyboard, so I just select the vertexes i want to merge and hit M.
Alternatively, you can use the "merge vertex tool" and set it to target vertex or center, depending on the situation. This also merges the UV's.
Another way to do this is to simply use the move tool.
Select the vertex you want to merge with another, hold down V and snap to another vertex. When you have moved all of the verteces, simply select all ofthe verteces and merge. (I have the threshold of the "edit mesh>merge" set to 0.0001, so it basically only merges verteces together that have the exact same coordinates.