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Qc file error

Currently I am trying to get my model to accept textures however I am running into a problem in the .qc, whenever I try to compile my model Crowbar comes up with this error to give me: "w_revolver_silenced.qc(14): - bad command {"

This is what is in the .qc file.


$modelname "weapons\w_models\w_revolver_silenced.mdl"


$bodygroup "mybody"
studio "w_revolver_silenced.smd"

$cdmaterials "models\weapons\w_models\revolver_s_t.vmt

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"

// Model uses material "revolver_s_t.vmt""

$surfaceprop "concrete"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 5.126 -13.847 3.849

$bbox -6.656 -3.822 -0.58 34.35 14.048 8.279

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0


How do I fix the problem?


  • EmAr
    Offline / Send Message
    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I hope its only this simple thing causing the problem. You seem to have forgotten to put a quotation mark at the end of line 14 of the qc file.
  • Sims_doc
    Offline / Send Message
    Sims_doc polycounter lvl 7
    I'm not entirely sure thats a weapon model your compile as your QC file looks rather strange but regardless here is something i use for testing my stuff.

    Black Frame* QC
    1. $modelname "weapons\c_models\c_black_frame\c_black_frame.mdl"
    2. $model "Body" "c_black_frame.dmx.smd"
    3. $cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_models\c_black_frame"
    4. $cdmaterials ""
    5. $hboxset "default"
    6. $hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -4.130 -7.264 -25.883 4.482 11.755 16.272
    8. // Model uses material "models/weapons/c_items/c_black_frame.vmt"
    9. $attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 15.17 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
    10. $attachment "backblast" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 -25.28 rotate 90.00 -0.00 0.00
    11. $surfaceprop "metal"
    12. $illumposition -5.081 0.176 2.245
    13. $sequence idle "idle" loop fps 15.00
    14. $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
    16. $concave
    17. $mass 9.0
    18. $inertia 1.00
    19. $damping 0.00
    20. $rotdamping 0.00
    21. }

    Original Blackbox QC
    1. $cd "c:\extracted\c_blackbox"
    2. $modelname "weapons/c_models/c_blackbox/c_blackbox.mdl"
    3. $model "body" "c_blackbox.dmx.smd"
    4. $lod 7
    5. {
    6. replacemodel "c_blackbox.dmx" "lod1_c_blackbox.dmx"
    7. }
    8. $lod 12
    9. {
    10. replacemodel "c_blackbox.dmx" "lod2_c_blackbox.dmx"
    11. }
    12. $lod 20
    13. {
    14. replacemodel "c_blackbox.dmx" "lod3_c_blackbox.dmx"
    15. }
    16. $cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_items\"
    17. $cdmaterials ""
    18. $hboxset "default"
    19. $hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -4.130 -7.264 -25.883 4.482 11.755 16.272
    20. $hbox 0 "weap_jig1" -4.006 -0.955 -0.270 4.006 1.908 8.919
    21. // Model uses material "models/weapons/c_items/c_blackbox.vmt"
    22. $attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 15.17 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
    23. $attachment "backblast" "weapon_bone" -0.00 6.66 -25.28 rotate 90.00 -0.00 0.00
    24. $surfaceprop "metal"
    25. $illumposition -5.081 0.176 2.245
    26. $sequence idle "idle" loop fps 15.00
    27. $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
    29. $concave
    30. $mass 9.0
    31. $inertia 1.00
    32. $damping 0.00
    33. $rotdamping 0.00
    34. }

    there are differences but basically you just update what you need for each weapon on a case by case.
  • F-man
    hey, I have almost same problem, my texture doesn't work, despite I have done everything right IMHO. And seems that my model is not rigged. Can you check my code^

    $cd "C:\program files\baked\123"
    $modelname "weapons\c_models\c_shampur\shampur.mdl"
    $model "BodyR" "bodyR.smd"

    $cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_shampur"

    // Model uses material "models\weapons\c_shampur\TEXTUREOFFUCKINGSHAMPUR.vmt"

    $hboxset "default"
    $surfaceprop "metall"

    $illumposition -0.892 0.000 31.608

    $sequence ragdoll "ragdoll" ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 30.00

    // Model uses material "models\weapons\c_shampur\TEXTUREOFSHAMPUR.vmt"
    $attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 -0.00 -0.00
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