So there are several goals for this project. The overall goal is to create a realistic character up to standards with next gen games. The smaller individual goals are:
Learn Male Anatomy
Learn Cloth Sculpting
Reach Last of Us quality character sculpt
Make a full realistic character using PBR workflows
Learn better posing and presentation
I am going to be making Geralt from the Witcher 3. Here is the concept I will be basing it off of:
I have been working/ learning male anatomy in my free time over the past couple of weeks. I am looking for harsh crits on the anatomy. I won't be moving past the anatomy until it looks
great, not just good. So please crit. Also if there is anything I learn that I feel would be useful I will try to post a breakdown of how I am handling it.
Here is the first WIP screen so crit away!
I like the concept, might be an idea to show some of the reference? I can see the sculpt is early days so my crits might actually not be real issues but here it goes...
He looks a bit to 'bulky' for Geralt, he's a lot leaner in the games like in this image -
So I'd mess with the proportions somewhat
Look forward to seeing where this goes
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
@ JunkieKong - Don't worry I plan on making it more like the original concept than the E3 version. That is just ref for the overall shape and structure.
So I probably won't be working on this for a little but. Just had my wisdom teeth out and don't really feel up to working. Will be back to work on it next week. I will try to get an update up here this weekend.