Thanks. The bridge is one of the areas I plan on building out a little more after I get more work done on the tower. I hope to build a small patch of terrain for the area around the tower also.
Solid modeling, keep it up. I really like the shapes. The way you set up the shields and the mortar at the top of the tower push the silhouette nicely. You might want to make the base of the tower larger because the tower feels top heavy as I glance over it.
What style are you aiming for, or are you just winging it?
Cool, thanks for the tips. As for the style, kind of just winging it. It's going to be hand painted, but still trying to figure out what I want. Wish I was better at concepting that would make it a bit easier.
Started working on the tower textures. It's been slow going so far, but I guess it's getting there. Still have more work to do on the textures I have on there. Pretty much just my first pass so far. I think next up I will start working on the shields and figure out what I want to do with them.
Only critique are the metal-plates at the corner. Maybe you can push the metalic reflection/highlights a little more. So far it reads "metal.. or not?".
Decided to rework some parts. The more I got done, the more I felt that the gold metals were just not working overall. It was starting to get to busy I thought, so decided to scrap all that and rework some of the metal textures. Still have a lot left to do on them, but I think/hope that the tower reads much better now.
This is looking awesome so far. I love the shapes you're working with in this design. The textures themselves look very solid.
I think something that would make the materials and colors overall read better would be to decide which materials to make significantly darker than the other pieces. If you turned the entire object black and white, is there enough contrast between them? I recommend making all the greenish metal darker, so that it's darker than the brick, and the wood even darker still.
Got more done on the mid section of the tower, and got some of the other areas blocked out. Decided to check out what I have in Marmoset. No lights in the scene yet, just the skylight and AO turned on.
I tried a few different designs on the door, but have not gotten anything I liked yet. Still trying to figure out what I want to do on the shields as well. I may tweak the model a bit on those. I hope to have all that figure out this week.
New update, probably the last one for a little bit, as I am in the middle of moving now. I reworked to door to more of at gate. I think I am liking that better now, but it still needs more work. Got the furnace blocked out and some details on there. Also got the shields unwrapped, because I was sicking of looking at them as white.
First of all, beautiful texture work. The model has a balanced design of big shapes and small ones.
The problem which you've faced earlier isn't solved yet, imo. As suggested, B&W readability will help you sort out ur shapes and minimize noise. If u squint at it, right now, some areas of metal blend with bricks. The values need to be tighter. Maybe brightening the bricks, overall, while evenly darkening the metal will create a clearer separation. These kind of adjustments sometimes come at the cost of losing juicy texture details, but it's worth it...
Thanks for the comments. I agree about the contrast issues I have right now. I did adjust the metal on the tower base, but so far that's all i have done with it. I was thinking it might be better to get more of the textures done before I start messing with the values. The suggestions are great though, and I will try and address them in the next update I post for sure. Next up will be getting the top unwrapped and a base texture on there.
What style are you aiming for, or are you just winging it?
Only critique are the metal-plates at the corner. Maybe you can push the metalic reflection/highlights a little more. So far it reads "metal.. or not?".
Looking forward to see more.
I think something that would make the materials and colors overall read better would be to decide which materials to make significantly darker than the other pieces. If you turned the entire object black and white, is there enough contrast between them? I recommend making all the greenish metal darker, so that it's darker than the brick, and the wood even darker still.
Just a thought! Loving how this is coming out.
I tried a few different designs on the door, but have not gotten anything I liked yet. Still trying to figure out what I want to do on the shields as well. I may tweak the model a bit on those. I hope to have all that figure out this week.
The problem which you've faced earlier isn't solved yet, imo. As suggested, B&W readability will help you sort out ur shapes and minimize noise. If u squint at it, right now, some areas of metal blend with bricks. The values need to be tighter. Maybe brightening the bricks, overall, while evenly darkening the metal will create a clearer separation. These kind of adjustments sometimes come at the cost of losing juicy texture details, but it's worth it...