Was doing some test bakes today and noticed these weird shading artifacts on my normal map. Baked the map in XNormal using a cage.
Anyone knows what's it all about? I don't remember seeing something like that before. I tried baking in .png and .tiff and it doesn't matter, the result is the same.
Depending on where you bake, the baker will handle this a little differently. Theres basically two ways to deal with it:
1. Dithering, which I believe Max does by default, dithering adds noise however
2. Using the closest values without dithering, which results in stair stepping artifacts, I think Maya and XN do this
If you have a 16 bit source, you can also re-save that as 8 bit from photoshop, which I think will dither the end result, so that should improve it without requiring 16 bit normal maps.
Though its sort of arguable if this sort of issue will be noticeable, especially after you texture the asset, add ao, throw it into a game engine with texture compression, view it at a reasonable viewing distance and all these things. It sort of depends on how much wear will be in the texture, if its intended to be a really clean style, these artifacts will be more visible, if its a worn style, its less of an issue generally.
I always wondered why max baked noise in my normals now I know thanks EQ!
Yep, noise or banding, I'll take the noise, noise is really hard to see after the asset is textured.