Hey guys, I'm doing a bit of a hardsurface project, and included with it are a lot of wires, tubes and cabling.
something along the lines of this:
what is the best way to model and animate the tubing and cabling so that moves realistic(ish) and does not shear, skew or stretch unrealistically? I ask this early on, because I have a feeling that this will need a bit of modelling forethought as well as rigging know-how. I'm going to need to animate 50+ independent cables, so I am more concerned with efficient, quick techniques versus super quality ones. though, I'm open if you wish to share either.
I did a google search, which yielded unsatisfactory results, and my knowledge of animation is lacking compared to my modelling skills.
I appreciate your help!
I plan to just pose and render it, its not meant for real time.
youll have to rig and skin them, either with for example, free-floating joints or a spline/ribbon ik as mentioned above.