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Critique models for Portfolio

polycounter lvl 18
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mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
I'm getting ready to build my portfolio and would like to get feedback on my models. It's mostly consist of handpainted models and sculpts. Here is my first model. I know the sword is not finished but it will. Thanks



  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    I think it will be better if you post all of your work at once. We cant judge a portfolio by just a single image.
  • mwgrafx
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    mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the reply bb0x, I'm building it as I go showing the progress. Just want to get some feedback as I go. That's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.
    So here is my ComicCon entry that I didn't finish. Decided to revamp him because the previous version was boring. Here is the sculpt.
  • mwgrafx
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    mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
    I really need to be more involved in this community. I am more of a observer than I am a poster. The work here is very intimidating...but how else to get feedback and grow.

    I have a lot of unfinished work that I need to get done. I start one thing then lose interest it seems. Very dangerous habit.
    Here is one that I'm taking to the finish line. I am currently working on the head and arms.

  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    First model - considering the low poly count, I assume it's aimed at mobile devices right? If you try zoom out or scale down your image to the size you expect to see on mobile, your textures sort of gets completely lost.

    Second model, I like that a lot. Full of characters in that guy.

    Third one - lots of empty space in your presentation. The whole red metal texture looks very generic, like it's slapped on, wear the edges and that's it.
  • mwgrafx
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    mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the feedback.
    First model was just my go at handpainting textures with a target platform for PC. I was inspired by torchlight.

    Second model I will get around to texturing him. I am glad you like him.

    Third model is my main focus right now. I want to have him portfolio worthy. Thanks for the feedback. I think I definitely banged up the edges more.

    I have several models laying around my computer with a good start IMO and I want to be motivated to get them done. After awhile though, working on the same model I feel like I hit a wall as far pushing it. Thanks for helping me break that barrier.

  • mwgrafx
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    mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
    Here is a troll model I finally finished


  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Your comicon guy is the strongest piece so far I think, also it looks like you are more comfortable with hard-surfaces (when you do armor) than organic.
    Your characters lack bone structure, mainly shows on your faces, but you can see it on the troll's body as well, it looks like you have a not so well formed base when you start sculpting muscles and it results in a blocky silhouette.
    Troll specific critique: Variations on his skin look random, I see some on his forearms but it doesn't make much sense, I would expect variation on the bumps on his back and his belly/tits. The shoulder armor looks out of place, try bringing its brightness a little down and the skin's a bit upwards to better match, and maybe add some moss on the armor.
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    Yea. His belly and over all body reads very well. But not his head. The pink mouth and red eye give some really uncomfortable color combination there against his green skin.
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