Hi Polycount!
What is your thinking about spliting as example a weapon into several pieces to bake bigger UV Shells for more Texture Sharpness and Details?
When i would split my AK as example into 1 x 4K Map for the Woodparts and 1 x 4K Map for the Metalparts.
Would that be ok for an First Person Weapon?
Or is this just wasting Memory and Ressources?
What about Portfolio Pictures?
I mean when i see works from LoneWolf:

How he is getting this so sharp?
I think he uses more then 1 Map.
What do you think?
And is this maybe next gen Industry Standart?
It looks enough sharp to me if not sharper than Lonewolf's weapon. His textures just has a lot more details than yours. 2x 4k maps would be an overkill. You have diffuse, normal, metalness, roughness, and you would need 2 from all of these if you would split. It would take an insane amount of memory for just one weapon. Unfortunately texture size is one of the biggest limitation nowadays.
You should think about detailing the textures out more, and thinking on learn to texture without ddo, instead of thinking on using more resolution. Don't misundertand me please, these things would be just good to you.
1 x 4K is ok, 2 x 4K would be to much.
The Problem is that all small details looking a little bit blurry on the normalmap when i go close enough.
But you told me not to do that ^^ ....
I just used dDo for EdgeWear. I was a bit lazy to paint the edgewear per Hand in bright Grey to my spec ^^
Im scared about to overdose the wear of the weapon.
Then i get comments like: Looks tooo old, tooo dirty.... ^^
I must figure out the perfect middle of that
But, back2topic ^^
Tiny scratches on the surface usually don't need to be in the normalmap.
Surface normal needs at least one pixel on each side of a normal scratch and more if you want to have a realistic shallow surface scratch.
Often it makes more sense to have those scratches just in diffuse/specular and related maps, because this way a scratch needs only a width of one pixel, in theory.
(You could experiment with one pixel scratches in the normal, too though, having several scratches with different angles, or darker blue channel, though the latter shouldn't really matter if you already made good use of the other maps. )
Might be part of you problem, might be you're aware of this already.