So I thought it'd be a good idea to track my process on creating a character since I haven't done this before. I know I've learned a lot from others doing this very thing so hopefully I can return some good vibes.
I roughed out a concept of what I'm looking to do with this character. Its rough, but I think it will get me thinking less about concepting as I go.
So instead of cutting any corners, I decided to just go all out and make this an anatomy study as well. The hair is just roughed in for general shape for now, but overall I think this came out pretty well. Below are some screenshots from Zbrush.
More to come!
Been away too long, got started the hard surface bits.
Suba: I used a bunch of reference in the beginning and really just messed with it until it looked right. I'll get another update on here hopefully soon
I would counter OctoKube's suggestion on the arm as I actually really like the thin forearm. With robotics, they're not really subject to the normal rules of anatomy with supporting muscles and skeletal structure so it makes it look nicely artificial. However, that's pretty subjective so whichever way you decide will probably work.
Looking forward to more!